Articles on peeking

Using Observed Power in Online A/B Tests

Observed Power in AB Testing

Observed power, often referred to as “post hoc power” and “retrospective power” is the statistical power of a test to detect a true effect equal to the observed effect size. “Detect” in the context of a statistical hypothesis test means to result in a statistically significant outcome. Some calculators aimed at A/B testing practitioners use […] Read more…

Posted in A/B testing, Statistics | Also tagged , , , ,

Q&A on Sequential Statistics in A/B Testing

Sequential testing QA

Sequential statistics are gathering interest and there are more and more questions posed by CROs looking into the matter. For this article I teamed up with Lucia van den Brink, a distinguished CRO consultant who recently started using Analytics Toolkit and integrated frequentist sequential testing into her client workflow. In this short interview she asks […] Read more…

Posted in A/B testing | Also tagged ,

Error Spending in Sequential Testing Explained

Sequential Hypothesis Testing with Efficacy and Futility Bound

Sequential analysis of experimental data from A/B tests has been quite prominent in recent years due to the myriad of Bayesian solutions offered by big industry players. However, this type of sequential analysis is not sequential testing proper as these solutions have generally abandoned the idea of testing and therefore error control, substituting it for […] Read more…

Posted in A/B testing, AGILE A/B testing, Statistics | Also tagged , , , , ,

Frequentist vs Bayesian Inference

Frequentist vs Bayesian Inference

In this article I’m revisiting* the topic of frequentist vs Bayesian inference with specific focus on online A/B testing as usual. The present discussion easily generalizes to any area where we need to measure uncertainty while using data to guide decision-making and/or business risk management. In particular, I will discuss each of the following five […] Read more…

Posted in A/B testing, Bayesian A/B testing, Statistics | Also tagged , , , , , ,

Analysis of 115 A/B Tests: Average Lift is 4%, Most Lack Statistical Power

Observed Percent Change Significant

Oct 2022 update: A newer, much larger and likely less biased meta analysis of 1,001 tests is now available! What can you learn from 115 publicly available A/B tests? Usually, not much, since in most cases you would be looking at case studies with very basic data about what was tested and the outcome of […] Read more…

Posted in A/B testing, Conversion optimization | Also tagged , , , , , , , , , ,