Google Analytics Referral Spam Explained in 5 minutes – Infographic

The infographic below is our 5 minute guide to Google Analytics referrer spam. In it we cover what’s the effect of spam on your stats & reports, why does it happen, how exactly does it happen and what are 4 main approaches to dealing with it. The infographic contains descriptions of the two ways referral spam makes into your reports and as far as we know the most concise and informative comparison of the possible ways to deal with it.

5 minute guide to referrer spam in Google Analytics


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The data in the infographic is based on our technical analysis of the issue and on data from our significant portfolio of Google Analytics clients. The automatic view filters part (“How to Deal With It?” #2) is based on our Auto Spam Filters solution. You can read more detailed information about referral spam, solutions & fixes in the number of articles that we’ve published on the topic in the recent months:

How to Fix Ghost Traffic / Spam Traffic in Google Analytics

Guide to Referrer Spam in Google Analytics

All Your Analytics Are Belong to Us


About the author

Georgi Georgiev

Managing owner of Web Focus and creator of, Georgi has over eighteen years of experience in online marketing, web analytics, statistics, and design of business experiments for hundreds of websites.

He is the author of the book "Statistical Methods in Online A/B Testing" and white papers on statistical analysis of A/B tests, as well as a lecturer on dozens of conferences, seminars, and courses, including as a Google Regional Trainer.

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